Woertz quick con­nect boxes


Pro­duct catalogue

Quick con­nect boxes

A revo­lu­ti­on in elec­tri­cal installation!

Assem­ble a cont­act point in less than a minu­te with new Woertz quick-con­nec­tion ter­mi­nals – no wire inter­rup­ti­on and no tools nee­ded. It only takes a frac­tion of the time to install wire connections.


For Woertz Dali, Com­bi and Power flat wires indoors and their IP68 edi­ti­ons for out­doors. Available in 24 dif­fe­rent edi­ti­ons with plug models Code 1 3Pole (L1, L2 or L3 NPE) or 5Pole 3LNPE or Code2 (L1‑, L2- or L3-NPE + Bus 1+2) for Dali.

The wire pro­fi­le makes it impos­si­ble to con­nect the ter­mi­nal incor­rect­ly, so no expert tech­ni­ci­ans are nee­ded. Addi­tio­nal ter­mi­nals can be added to the flat wire when­ever and wherever.

The con­nec­tion ter­mi­nals are late­ral, so they can also be instal­led in nar­row chan­nels. The built-in mount also makes direct instal­la­ti­on on the cei­ling or wall pos­si­ble. The ter­mi­nal can also optio­nal­ly be secu­red against inter­fe­rence with a screw.

Tech­ni­cal advantages

  • Relia­ble contact
  • Quickest instal­la­ti­on possible
  • Fle­xi­ble to extend
  • Install wit­hout any tools
  • Zero mecha­ni­cal confusion
  • Pos­si­ble to assem­ble wit­hout a specialist
  • Safe­ty clas­ses IP20 (unplug­ged) and IP40 or IP68 (plug­ged)
  • System can be pre-assembled

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Pro­duct systems

Woertz Power 5G flat wire system

Woertz Power IP 5G flat wire system

Woertz DALI 3G flat wire system

Woertz DALI 5G flat wire system with bus

Woertz DALI/Combi 5G flat wire system

Woertz DALI 5G IP flat wire system

Woertz DALI 5G IP flat wire system with bus