Cen­tral / Decen­tra­li­sed buil­ding automation


Pro­dukt catalogue


Woertz brings buil­dings to life through intel­li­gent, sus­tainable buil­ding manage­ment. Our inno­va­ti­ve flat cable system redu­ces the amount of cable by up to 80%, pro­mo­tes ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and enables fle­xi­ble, cost-effec­ti­ve instal­la­ti­ons. Ide­al for offices, hotels, hos­pi­tals and shipbuilding.

Woertz brings buil­dings to life

Your buil­ding sets its own opti­mal indoor cli­ma­te It adapts the tem­pe­ra­tu­re, ven­ti­la­ti­on and light­ing to out­side con­di­ti­ons and gua­ran­tees sus­tainable ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy. It pro­tects its­elf from storms and checks access to the building.

Com­fort, secu­ri­ty and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy. Set to match your needs. Quick to install. Fle­xi­bly adjusta­ble. With up to 80% fewer wires. Cost-effec­ti­ve. Hig­hest secu­ri­ty clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on pos­si­ble. And all from a sin­gle source.

Buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on with the Woertz flat wire system

Woertz KNX buil­ding instal­la­ti­on pro­vi­des com­ple­te solu­ti­ons from a sin­gle source: KNX actua­tors, sen­sors and wiring for cen­tral as well as decen­tra­li­sed KNX systems. We’ve made it our mis­si­on to pro­du­ce buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on that saves ener­gy and mate­ri­als. This is made pos­si­ble by decen­tra­li­sed intel­li­gence in our flat wire system.

The advan­ta­ges

  • Resour­ce-effi­ci­ent
    Up to 80% fewer wires!
  • Cost-effec­ti­ve
    Less wires, less work, less cost
  • Easy to plan
    Infor­ma­ti­on and ener­gy in one wire
  • Quick
    Con­nec­tions can also be assem­bled wit­hout cut­ting through wires.
  • Fle­xi­ble
    Easy to extend when­ever and wherever
  • Zero con­fu­si­on
    Install with con­fi­dence thanks to system coding

The inno­va­ti­ve solution

Buil­ding wiring with com­bi­ned decen­tra­li­sed and cen­tral intelligence

Decen­tra­li­sed installation

The decen­tra­li­sed Woertz system is ide­al for lar­ge spaces, cor­ri­dors, and for using Woertz room boxes in small, modu­lar rooms. The decen­tra­li­sed instal­la­ti­on with dis­tri­bu­ted intel­li­gence in the Woertz flat wire system makes it pos­si­ble to install wit­hout a cen­tral con­trol cabinet.

Ele­ments and fuses are laid direct­ly on the wire. All Woertz actua­tors and sen­sors are con­nec­ted tog­e­ther with one flat wire and gua­ran­tee ener­gy-saving operation.

Up to 80% of wires can be saved com­pared with tra­di­tio­nal instal­la­ti­ons. Not only does this signi­fi­cant­ly save resour­ces, it also speeds up instal­la­ti­on and mas­si­ve­ly redu­ces the risk of failure.

Advan­ta­ges of decen­tra­li­sed installation

  • Save up to 80% of wires
  • Can be exten­ded fle­xi­bly at any time with indi­vi­du­al sen­sors or components
  • Huge reduc­tion in instal­la­ti­on time thanks to pier­cing technology
  • Detec­tion of inter­rupt­ors for auto­ma­tic run-time measurements
  • Built-in logic functions
  • Auto­no­mous out­put control
  • Set beha­viour in case of bus vol­ta­ge fail­ure and return
  • Manu­al con­trol on device (test but­ton) to check func­tion and rota­ti­on direction
  • Mul­ti­ple con­trol func­tions and mecha­ni­cal­ly coded plug connections
  • Cen­tra­li­sed con­trol for all shut­ter out­puts pos­si­ble (com­mands from a wea­ther con­trol panel)
  • Allo­ca­ti­on to up to 3 dif­fe­rent secu­ri­ty objects (e.g. for wind, rain, alarm)

Cen­tral installation

Con­trol from a cen­tra­li­sed point is ide­al for small spaces. The pre-pro­grammed, com­pact room box with pluggab­le wiring and built-in secu­ri­ty per­mits cen­tral con­trol of users and sen­sors connected.

Com­bi­na­ti­on of decen­tra­li­sed and cen­tral installation

Con­trol from a cen­tra­li­sed point is ide­al for small spaces.

The pre-pro­grammed, com­pact room box with pluggab­le wiring and built-in secu­ri­ty per­mits cen­tral con­trol of users and sen­sors connected.

This means that pre-pro­grammed room wiring can be instal­led again in a very short time.

Modu­lar elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on for offices, hotels, hos­pi­tal rooms and shipbuilding

Modu­lar is the stan­dard in ship­buil­ding today. Quick, easy-to-install systems are a requi­re­ment for major pro­jects. With the Woertz room box for room auto­ma­ti­on, the solu­ti­on is simp­le and uncomplicated.

  • Quicker, more fle­xi­ble instal­la­ti­on on-site possible
  • Pre-assem­bled flat wire system with pre-moun­ted con­nec­tion ter­mi­nals for more effi­ci­ent installation
  • DNV GL-cer­ti­fi­ed system
  • Com­ple­te wiring solu­ti­on from a sin­gle source
  • Decen­tra­li­sed wiring built in with Woertz flat wire system
Dezen­tra­le Ver­ka­be­lung zu modu­la­ren Räumen
Hotelzimmer / Schiffskajüte mit zentraler Steuerung
Hotel­zim­mer / Schiffs­ka­jü­te mit zen­tra­ler Steuerung
dnv gl maritime logo 150

Pier­cing cont­act in the flat wire method

Pier­cing tech­no­lo­gy makes junc­tions pos­si­ble wit­hout inter­rupt­ing the flat wire or using any spe­cial tools. Cont­act takes place using mea­su­ring tech­no­lo­gy in which the poin­ted screw pene­tra­tes the insu­la­ti­on and enters the wire strand.
The stret­ching crea­tes cont­act pres­su­re that is good for cur­rent trans­mis­si­on bet­ween the wires and gua­ran­tees low resi­stance values. The flat wire system per­mits sus­tainable instal­la­ti­on for buil­ding wiring.

Pro­duct systems, Buil­ding automation

Flat wire system, actua­tors – KNX

KNX is a stan­dar­di­sed bus system fol­lo­wing inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards. It regu­la­tes relia­ble com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on up to 14,400 sen­sors and actua­tors using tele­grams via the bus wire built into the flat wire.

For exam­p­le, the KNX can con­trol light­ing, blinds and suns­ha­des as well as hea­ting and locking and alarm systems. KNX also makes it pos­si­ble to moni­tor and mana­ge a buil­ding remotely.

KNX is now most­ly instal­led in new resi­den­ti­al and func­tion­al buil­dings, but it can also be retro­fit­ted to older buil­dings when reno­vat­ing them.

DALI flat wire system

DALI (Digi­tal Addressa­ble Light­ing Inter­face) is a con­trol ptro­col for digi­tal, pho­to­me­tric ope­ra­ting equip­ment in buil­dings, such as lamps with elec­tro­nic trans­for­mers, elec­tro­nic bal­lasts and elec­tro­nic power dimmers.

Ope­ra­ting equip­ment with a DALI inter­face can be con­trol­led indi­vi­du­al­ly using DALI short addres­ses. Two-way data trans­fer allo­ws a DALI con­trol device or a DALI gate­way to request the sta­tus of lights or light-ope­ra­ting equip­ment. DALI can be ope­ra­ted as an ‘island system’ with a maxi­mum of 64 ope­ra­ting devices or as a sub­stem via DALI gate­ways in modern buil­ding-auto­ma­ti­on systems.

Bus / mul­ti­bus flat wire system

The­se flat wire systems with bus wires per­mit the widest array of func­tions in buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on for LON or SMI applications.

LON (Local Ope­ra­ting Net­work) is a fieldbus system pre­do­mi­nant­ly used in buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on. The bus system ori­gi­na­ted in the US and was deve­lo­ped in 1990. It per­mits neu­tral infor­ma­ti­on trans­fer bet­ween faci­li­ties and devices from dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­r­ers and inde­pendent­ly of uses and applications.

SMI flat wire system

SMI 230 VAC or LoVo dri­ves with IP20/40 or IP66/68 flat wire system.

SMI (Stan­dard Motor Inter­face) is a fieldbus system to con­trol elec­tro­nic devices (step­per motors) for blinds, shut­ters or win­dows and ven­ti­la­ti­on flaps. It can be ope­ra­ted on its own but is usual­ly incor­po­ra­ted into hig­her-level systems like KNX. In addi­tio­nal to simp­ler wiring, its key advan­ta­ge over con­ven­tio­nal dri­ves is its feed­back capability.