Can­to­nal Hos­pi­tal Bellinzona


Cus­to­mi­zed hos­pi­tal chan­nel with certification

Pro­ject Description:

Our new medi­cal sup­p­ly units for the hos­pi­tal in Bel­lin­zo­na were suc­cessful­ly instal­led with our flat cable system.

The imple­men­ted medi­cal gas systems are suc­cessful­ly instal­led. The light­ing fix­tures have been opti­mal­ly instal­led accor­ding to the design requi­re­ments. We are hap­py about a gre­at coope­ra­ti­on with the hos­pi­tals in Ticino.

Pro­duct systems used:

Medi­cal sup­p­ly units MVE 4675

For the relia­ble sup­p­ly of ener­gy, data and gases tail­or-made in modu­lar design.