Ice rink Ambri Piot­ta HCAP

Ver­sa­ti­le com­fort and safety

Pro­ject Description:

Ambri’s new Hockey Temp­le is ultra-modern and com­for­ta­ble. The new buil­ding, desi­gned by archi­tect Mario Bot­ta, can accom­mo­da­te a total of 7000 peo­p­le. Thanks to the poly­va­lent struc­tu­re with stores, restau­rants and various loun­ges, the sta­di­um will be able to be used for num­e­rous, varied events throug­hout the year and will hence­forth repre­sent an important tou­rist attrac­tion for the enti­re regi­on. Woertz sup­plied two systems for the new mul­ti­func­tion­al arena.

The first system is the 5x2.5mm² + 2x1.5mm² com­bi­na­ti­on cable with the new Rap­tor series 49072 and 49073. This instal­la­ti­on will be used to mana­ge the bright­ness of the hall during the day by auto­ma­ti­cal­ly con­trol­ling the curta­ins that pro­tect the win­dows of the ice rink from the sun­’s rays.

The second system with the 3x4mm² cable will be used to power the lamps that will illu­mi­na­te the ice rink. The system pro­vi­des a peri­me­tral power sup­p­ly with red­un­dan­cy that feeds the 19 bus­bars instal­led under the roof, whe­re the lamps are pla­ced. We sup­plied the junc­tion boxes with the plug with the inte­gra­ted fuse holder.

By the way, the same E30 system with 16mm² cable was used in the Quin­to high­way tun­nel 300 meters away as the crow flies.

We wish Ambri much suc­cess and joy in the new Valascia!

Pro­duct systems used:

Fire safe­ty system FE180 E30/E90 3G4 mm²

Fire safe­ty system FE180 E30/E90 3G4 mm² for power sup­p­ly of safe­ty rele­vant elements

Flat cable system Com­bi 5G2.5+2x1.5 mm² (KNX)

Fle­xi­ble system for decen­tra­li­zed buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on that com­bi­nes power cur­rent and bus data line in a sin­gle cable application.