Luz­zo­ne Dam

Flat cable with LED light­ing over 5000 meters long

Pro­ject Description:

5000 meters of flat cable 3x4 mm² and over 1200 LED lumi­n­aires were instal­led in the Luz­zo­ne hydroelec­tric com­plex. This system ensu­res the relia­ble pro­vi­si­on of light in envi­ron­ments with high humi­di­ty and over long distances. 

The Luz­zo­ne power plant is loca­ted in the Verzas­ca Val­ley, about 30 kilo­me­ters nor­thwest of Bel­lin­zo­na in the can­ton of Tici­no, Switz­er­land. The heart of the power plant is the Luz­zo­ne Dam, which forms Lago di Luz­zo­ne. The dam has a height of 225 meters and is one of the hig­hest dams in Euro­pe. The Luz­zo­ne Power Plant uses the hydroelec­tric power of the dam to gene­ra­te elec­tri­ci­ty. It has three under­ground machi­ne shops equip­ped with tur­bi­nes and gene­ra­tors. The total capa­ci­ty of the power plant is 380 mega­watts. A spe­cial fea­ture of the Luz­zo­ne power plant is that it also func­tions as a pum­ping sta­ti­on. During peri­ods of low elec­tri­ci­ty demand, water is pum­ped into the Luz­zo­ne reser­voir from a lower reser­voir. When nee­ded, the water can then be released to gene­ra­te addi­tio­nal elec­tri­ci­ty. This pro­cess enables fle­xi­ble and effi­ci­ent use of hydropower.

Pro­duct systems used:

woertz flachkabelsystem 3g25 und 3g4 ip

Flat cable system IP 3G2.5 mm² and 3G4 mm² (IP66/68)

This system is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by its high IP pro­tec­tion level and excep­tio­nal fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of chan­gea­bi­li­ty and expandability.